Tarot Cards Modern Psychology Link
Tarot Cards Modern Psychology Link
Have you ever wondered how those Tarot card interpretations were derived? If you take a closer look particularly at the ones that are commonly used by Tarot readers of today, you’ll be amazed with the similarities that they have with modern psychology; that is the reason to the title of this article: Tarot cards_Modern Psychology link
Mind is the thinking capability in humans. Mind is an abstraction, which is primarily done by the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Some parts of the mind never change; instinctual intelligence may be the name of this.
Other parts of the mind do change; these parts might be called emotional intelligence. In addition, humans are the most intelligent specie, with the highest IQ, or intelligence, which enables the greater and faster adaptability to changes and adaptability in the environment.
Tarot Cards Modern Psychology Link by Carl Gustav Jung
Founded and developed by Carl Gustav Jung, the Jungian Psychology, otherwise known as the Analytical Psychology, played a major role in influencing the interpretations that can be observed in the Tarot decks.
Jung’s psychological therapeutic system basically revolves around his own personal encounters particularly his experiences with human ghosts, precognitive dreams, visions, and telepathy.
According to Jung, the totality of the human mind has three different sub sections:
- The conscious.
- The personal unconscious.
- The collective unconscious.
The latter two are for the hosts of universal symbols and figures, as well as archetypes which are a mainstay among religions, tales, stories, legends, and myths.
Tarot Cards Modern Psychology Link, Archetypes
They build the structure of the collective unconscious – they are psychic innate dispositions to experience and represent basic human behavior and situations.
Thus mother-child relationship is governed by the mother archetype. Father-child by the father archetype. Archetypes can control birth, death, power and failure. Archetypes also governs the religious and mystique experiences.
Self or Ego archetype is the Center of the psychic person, his/her totality or wholeness.
The Center comes of the unity of conscious and unconscious, helps to reach through the individuation process.
In all cultures and religions, Archetypes manifest themselves through images, dreams and visions. Therefore a great deal of Jungian interest in psyche focuses on dreams and symbols interpretation.
Tarot Cards Modern Psychology Link, The collective unconscious
This relates to the universal data, that is, every human being is endowed with this psychic archetype-layer since his/her birth. One cannot acquire this data by education or other conscious effort because it is innate, or is part of your individual DNA. Nowadays we can relate also to “ancestral memory”.
We may also describe it as a universal library of human knowledge, or the very transcendental wisdom that guides mankind.
Jung stated that the religious experience must be linked with the experience of the archetypes of the collective unconscious.
Tarot Cards Modern Psychology Link, The Mind
Tarot cards are a tool for gaining insight into the mind. Repression and self-censorship mechanisms blocks normal thinking, this is Belief System.
Sometimes, simply talking to another person is sufficient to bypass these mechanisms and the other person can see and reveal to us what we hide from ourselves.
Much as the other person’s repression and self-censorship mechanisms are as much a problem as our own.
Self-censor ship mechanisms are a result of our Belief System.
Tarot Cards Modern Psychology Link, Major Arcana
Apart from being popularly used among major religions, folklore like myths and legends, the archetypes are also present in the 22 card Major Arcana suit.
In addition, Those who practice the Jungian Psychology believe that the archetypes like the Emperor and the Empress in the Major Arcana play a critical role in enhancing the intellectual capacity of the conscious mind through its unconscious counterpart.
The powerful symbols present in the 78 card Tarot deck act harmoniously to deliver unique and deeper message to the interpreter. These archetypes effectively help the Tarot readers as well as questioners in becoming well aware of their subconscious mind.
It is believed that Tarot card reading, particularly deciphering the message embedded by the combined symbols helps the readers and questioners alike in better familiarizing themselves as well as the important archetypes that are present and working throughout their lives.
The Major Arcana and Psychology in the Modern World
One of the main purposes of Tarot card reading is to take a quick look at a portion of the questioner’s future through interpretation of the chosen cards.
However, it doesn’t mean that what is definitely will take place in the future. In the world of Tarot card psychology, nothing is certain especially the querent’s foreseen future.
This particular future is only made visible simply because of the questioner’s present state of his thoughts. And if you are in full control of your thoughts, then so is your future.
The true purpose of Tarot cards
Tarot cards don’t work alone. The results of Tarot card reading directly depends on the questioner’s state of mind. The cards, with the aid of the reader’s mind clarity and capacity, provide a mirror like reflection of the questioner’s deep subconscious mind.
Interpretations are on the latter’s thinking patterns which then serve as a tool to foretell a possible outcome or future.
My four decades of Tarot card reading experience has taught me a very important lesson – Tarot cards don’t necessarily tell what will happen in the future. Rather, they’re a tool to help you discover your deeper self.
Although originally designed for playing card games, mystics soon realized the intricate decks held a divinatory power far exceeding their initial intended purpose. While there are many variations of the original deck out there, a standard deck is comprised of 78 cards with the same essential elements.
What is the Tarots Major Arcana?
The entire deck of Tarot is for 78 cards and in that group are the trumps or the suit which is of 22 cards collectively. Major Arcana is the name of them.
The suite acts more like the core of the entire 78 card Tarot deck. Because a sort of generic story revolves around the Major Arcana which is about mankind’s seemingly endless quest or hunger for knowledge.
Tarots- Psychology of the Major Arcana
The Major Arcana is a suit of 22 cards from the Tarot deck. The symbols in the Major Arcana represent the different ways our minds may work in gaining knowledge that the world has to offer through early years education given by our caregivers and experiences from life.
Tarots Cards Archetypes
Like in the rest of the cards that comprise the entire deck of Tarot, the Major Arcana cards archetypes have their own respective symbols and meanings which help the reader interpret and understanding of the questioner’s state of his deep subconscious mind prior to present circumstances.
The following are the archetypes or the powerful symbols of the cards of the 22 Major Arcana and their equivalent meanings:
- The Fool – Represents our hunger for knowledge, free spirit, naivety.
- The Magician – An experienced persona and uses the lessons of the past in every endeavor. Insight, motivation to improve knowledge, creativity.
- The High Priestess – Introspection, intuition, lust, subconscious mind.
- The Empress – Self-preservation in mind, fertility, feminine power, passion, wisdom.
- The Emperor – The alpha character of men. Obsessed with being in control at all times.
- The Hierophant – Virtues of a leader: leading by example, morality, tradition, coaching, mentoring.
- The Lovers – Putting love first at all times, romance, duality, partnership, relationship, compassionate soul.
- The Chariot – goal-oriented, bold, dedication, energy, willpower.
- Strength – The ability to overcome fear over making critical decisions.
- The Hermit – Exploration of the inner self; authenticity, spirituality, meditation.
- The Wheel of Fortune – A reminder that nothing in this world is permanent, change, karma.
- Justice – Balance between cause and effect, Integrity. Written commitment or contract.
- The Hanged Man – Reflection, letting go, self-sacrifice, non-profit.
- Death – Beginning of a new chapter, metamorphosis, renewal.
- Temperance – Enthusiasm, perseverance and patience.
- The Devil – The negative side of one’s self, materialism.
- The Tower – Represents the Ego facing unexpected events, cutting ties, chaos.
- The Star – Confidence, positive, hopefulness, good luck.
- The Moon – Confusion, intuition, miss-communication.
- The Sun – The ability to harness and use potential the right way. Freedom, creativity, bliss
- Judgement – Acknowledgement of one’s past mistakes for a wider choice of decisions in the future. Imprudence, recklessness
- The World – Know the true purpose of existence. Accomplishment and fulfillment.
The Psychology of the 56 Minor Arcana
Minor Arcana consists of four suites of ten cards and each one represents an element.
- The Suit of Cups relates to the element of WATER and relates to emotions, relationships, feelings.
- Suit of Pentacles relates to the element of EARTH and relates to money, financial resources, material possessions, career and the physical realm.
- The Suit of Swords relates to the element of AIR and relates to power, rationality, the intellect, and thoughts.
- Suit of Wands relates to the element of FIRE and relates to inspiration, spirituality, ideas and energy flow.
The Court Cards are 12 and represents people that relate to the querent. These people have personalities that reflect the qualities of their suit and rank. Consequently, the court cards show us certain ways of being in the world like age, behavior and style.
- A King is mature and masculine. He is a doer whose focus is outward on the events of life. He demonstrates authority, control and mastery in some area associated with his suit. A King’s style is strong, assertive and direct. Because, he is concerned with results and practical, how-to matters.
- A Queen is mature and feminine. She embodies the qualities of her suit, rather than acting them out. Her focus is inward, and her style, relaxed and natural. A Queen is less concerned with results than with the enjoyment of just being in the world. Furthermore, she loves feelings, relationships and self-expression.
- A Knight is an immature teenager. He cannot express himself with balance. He swings wildly from one extreme to another as he tries to relate successfully to his world.
- A Page is a child that is prone to excess, but he is also eager and sincere, and these qualities redeem him in our eyes. We admire his spirit and energy.
Why use Tarot cards?
Through the Tarot cards, the reader is able to see a glimpse of the future. Because a wrong belief or concept of the future is that it is certain and that the message delivered by the Tarot cards is the ultimate future of the questioner. For me, that is wrong. In addition, nothing is certain.
The future revealed by the cards only represents something that ‘MAY’ happen simply because it is being directly affected by the thoughts present in the conscious mind.
And these thoughts can still be molded to come up with a better future. In a scientific terminology, the Tarot reading is giving you the most probable outcome given your current state of consciousness.
Tarot cards are nothing but tools to help us know ourselves a whole lot better. The cards can tell you how your mind is presently working and where it may soon lead you.
Basically, and if understood correctly, Tarot cards are good in discovering our inner self and not for finding a favorable fortune in the future. That is what I have come to realize in my four decades of Tarot card reading.
Finally, you should keep in mind “Life is really a probable outcome at any given time“.
Bea Kobran
Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in Palm Beach, FL
561 252 3707 – IntuitiveBea@gmail.com
Life-coach, Master Tarot Teacher, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor
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