Latest Shoots2017-07-04T17:11:01-05:00

Latest Shoots

“I seek the place where grandmothers hold babies on their laps under the stars and whisper in their ears that the lights in the sky are holes in the floor of heaven.”


The Side-Effect of Loneliness During the 2020 Holidays

The Side-effect of Loneliness During the 2020 Holidays 2020  Holidays   2020 will be remembered as a turning point. Suddenly, many people found themselves working from home. Plenty of others lost their job and ask to stay home. The subsequent economic shock was and still is felt by [...]

The Healing of a Healer

December 2nd, 2020|0 Comments

The Healing of a  Healer A HEALER can be a Therapist, a Counselor, a Life-coach, a Tarot Reader, a friend and more; this applies to all the professionals that "have a shoulder to cry [...]


November 15th, 2020|0 Comments

  We live in a rather tense political climate. The nation is supposed to represent community, unity, and harmony. It is, in theory, a source of goodness, support, and identity. Unfortunately, it isn't always [...]

“To profoundly understand a baby, you must first be a mother.”


Photography As A Passion

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Any photography session booked this month.