Ten of Pentacles – Minor Arcana



The Ten of Pentacles tarot is a sign despite challenges and setbacks along the way. You will finally come to reach a point of completion and accomplishment in your journey.

In an accurate psychic reading the Ten of Pentacles is a card of culmination and final fulfillment. The card shows a mature man sitting comfortably just outside an archway leading into a town.

He is surrounded by:

  • his family,
  • his dogs and wears a rich robe decorated with images of:
    • Grapevines,
    • Crescent moons and other symbols.

Behind the laughing couple under the arch, a young boy reaches playfully to pet one of the dogs.

During a psychic reading the Ten of Pentacles tarot – is a symbol of:

  • Financial security
  • Accomplishment and
  • Comfort.

As we see in the picture the man is able to enjoy the fruits of his labors in retirement. While he looks on at the lives of his children and grandchildren. This man has accomplished a great deal during his life. Now he is able to rest in the satisfaction. Since, he has created will provide value and joy to others, even when he is gone.

The Ten of Pentacles is following family traditions and customs.  There may be internal and external understandings and expectations which you have been born into for good or bad.  This may involve following in the footsteps of those before you such as career, business or profession.

Abundance, financial security and joy of family life are on! Enjoy.


You are blessed with material security and profits for you and your family. The young generation is taking the lead of your business with permanence and lasting foundation for future success.


Most of all, your Love life is very much based on financial security. In your values, financial comfort is ahead of everything else. Money is going to merry you or just looking for a “sugar daddy”.

Bea Kobran

Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in  Palm Beach, FL
561 252 3707 – IntuitiveBea@gmail.com



Life-coach, Master Tarot Teacher, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor