Relationship Texting as Part of a New Belief System is a Main Challenge
We live in the 21st century, a time unlike any other that humanity has witnessed so far. If our ancestors were to cast a glance upon us to see what we are about, they would be mightily surprised at all the change that has occurred – both in our belief system and in the way, we conduct our lives in a perfectly practical manner. Technology has played a pivotal role in altering both our rational mind and our intuition in such a way so that our relationships, our psychic vibrations, our ways of doing business and planning ahead are perhaps the exact opposite of what they were just half a century ago.
While they haven’t perhaps received such a dramatic overhaul as the way we work and travel, matters of the heart have still gone through a transformation that has left us with quite a few improvements but also a number of brand new challenges for which we have no tools of dealing with. Sometimes, only the most skilled life-coach or an experienced psychic in possession of exceptional intuition can detangle this knot and allow our belief system to adapt but also enforce some of its rules so that the result is a harmonious relationship between two individuals.
One of the main challenges imposed upon our romantic interactions is perhaps the concept of long-distance relationships brought about by the advent of new means of communication. Emails, text messages and video calls have replaced face-to-face interaction to such an extent that romantic couplings feel more like virtual computer games rather than real, meaningful parts of our lives. Even if people live in the same city or within a reasonable travelling distance, often times their communication is largely confined to the digital and the virtual, leaving very little time for direct interaction. Weekends are the only time at which we perhaps do get to share the same space and breathe the same air, often finding ourselves wondering why this person that we know so well through text messages now feels like a total stranger as we stand before them.
Relationship Texting as Part of a New Belief System is a Main Challenge
It is then no wonder that this sort of modern-day arrangement can lead to a number of problems. Relationships are not easy waters to navigate by any means – even in their most traditional form. The old belief system tells us a number of rules – the man ought to be dominant and the woman submissive, he ought to be out winning the bread while she should be in the house raising children etc. While we have managed to shake off some of these antiquated notions of gender roles and modes of interaction – by crossing over into a more balanced type of scenario – new issues have reared their head in this process of transition. Neither men nor women are quite sure what to do and both their ratio and their intuition feel slightly off balance. A life-coach is often able to help but, ultimately, the relationship is theirs to bring back to harmony.
Add to the equation the type of virtual interaction already mentioned and we have a whole new ball game we have to deal with. The lack of face-to-face time has created a situation which a host of misunderstandings can arise from the mere fact that, when chatting via text messages, there is an obvious lack of body language, facial expressions, nuances of tone and colors of the voice – stripping the means of communication of their crucial aspect. This way, a kind word can be misunderstood for a reproach, one of encouragement for a critique, an innocent expression for a sign of suspicion. This leaves a fertile soil for conflict, even if no secrets are kept on either side. Even if we know our partner well, this sort of arrangement can, over time – often very quickly – put an additional strain of the relationship and ultimately lead to its ruin.
Relationship Texting as Part of a New Belief System is a Main Challenge
So, what is to be done? How well should our intuition be developed, how finely our psychic skills honed before we can successfully navigate the tumorous waters of this new type of “virtual” relationship? The truth is – no one yet seems to know. The cons of spending so much time steeped in digital means of communication appear to outweigh the pros – especially when the matters of the heart are concerned. A sense of love and togetherness can hardly be maintained via short messages on a smartphone screen, and even a video call can leave us feeling empty afterwards. While this may be a necessity for those that live too far apart and have yet to make provisions for living together – for those that are within a reasonable traveling distance, it may perhaps be a lot more effective to cut back on the texting substantially, throws this belief system out of the window, and instead make a conscious effort to spend as much time together as possible.
Even if it means carving out another portion of your busy schedule and perhaps skipping gym or another activity – it is something that is worth considering for a number of reasons. Romantic relationships, after all, rely as much on a kind look and a tender touch as they do on words. Even words themselves are obviously delivered in their natural form – spoken – instead of typed out on a small glowing touchscreen. Both our conscious mind and our intuition respond better to direct communication. This is perhaps an ideal example of an old belief system that works better than the new. Yes, that too is something that exists and that ought to be considered. Most of the time, we are faced with old rigid norms that ought to be discarded to make way for something better and more functional. But, every now and again, there are certain “old” things that serve their purpose a lot better than what the technological improvement has to offer. For some, it may take the help of a psychic or a life-coach to reach the point of being able to differentiate. For others, this will come more easily.
Relationship Texting as Part of a New Belief System is a Main Challenge
Either way, we must admit that there is little that can replace a tender kiss and a gentle touch – or even just a kind, loving look of the person that our heart has chosen to call our own. Therefore, deep personal feelings are best expressed when looking at eyes of the object of our affection, when holding their hand, when we are able to hear the pleasant sound of their voice. That is when we are the most human and yet that is also when we are the most divine.
Bea Kobran
Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in West Palm Beach, FL
561 252 3707 –
Life-coach, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor
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