Healing Stress and Anxiety
In addition to multi-tasking, we have immersed ourselves and bought into the “American Dream.”
Dream house, dream lover/spouse, dream career, dream children, or just a general dream life. However, inexplicably, the dream does not materialize no matter how hard and how many times you try to make the dream a reality. Where did it go awry? Why does it seem so confusing? Why do I feel confused and muddled? Yet, I am losing faith and self-confidence.
I feel angry, anxious, disappointed in others and myself. And while the “ex” is out of our lives, well, the “replacement” is a disappointment, too. What is going on?
Realizing what produces the stress and anxiety is a must; we are immerse in it because of our envorinment, society, acquaintances and others inculcated and supported living inside this nightmare. And of course, we are told we need to be the best?
- Be slim.
- Be gorgeous /handsome.
- Be perpetually young.
- Be wealthy and witty (so you get invited back again).
- Be comfortable in all social situations (impossible).
- Be surrounded by “symbols” of success – go to the trendy (and expensive) restaurants, show up at “in” clubs, and take vacations others envy.
- Be photographed at (and donate to) fundraisers/galas/soirees that you can be ill afford.
- Drive, own, be seen in cars the masses covet.
- Wear exclusive label clothing. Carry coveted handbags. Let’s not even go into expensive designer watches, rings, bracelets! You get my gist.
Even so, despite such indoctrination, the dream life has vanished. Vaporized, Poof!, and here comes STRESS.
Bills pile up at an alarming rate. We struggle – every month – to make the mortgage, car, credit card, health insurance, school tuition and other payments. We have spent our entire lives acquiring mementos of success to show off to others.
Yet, we remain unfulfilled, empty, unhappy and disappointed. Living and trying to sustain this “dream” life never works in the long run. Any “satisfaction” is short-lived and illusory. However, the cost to you is high and STRESS is your best companion.
The most important change must occur inside of you. Reject unreasonable dreams and expectations from your parents, family members, culture, and religion. Self reflect to identify (honestly) what your values are and what really matters to you. Don’t inflate your ego based upon what others say to you.
Be humble – don’t believe “the press” – recognize your realistic strengths and abilities. Lastly, be confident. Delegate so others can support and complement you. if you are concerned about “admitting” your weaknesses? Psst – they already know…
RELEASE and LET GO of your “need” to be accepted, liked, admired, envied, and that you are somehow competing with your family, your friends, neighbors, co-workers and bosses. The first step is to admit you feel unsafe, insecure and unsuccessful. I will help you examine material things differently; priorities differently, and create a different life for you.
- Detach from your EGO
- Recycle your thoughts
- Begin to transform
Budha, succinctly and eloquently said to us: “We are what we think; all that we are arisen with our thoughts, with our thoughts we make the world.”
Bea Kobran
Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in Palm Beach, FL
561 252 3707 – IntuitiveBea@gmail.
Life-coach, Master Tarot Teacher, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor
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