Changing your Beliefs 

Changing your Beliefs

Changing your Beliefs

For a belief to have an impact in your life, you have to repeat it to yourself over and over again. Beliefs seem like they are second nature, but they are only thoughts, that can be very problematic when they are confused with the truth.  Metaphysical Healing navigates in your own thoughts.

Most of your beliefs were instilled prior to age seven and were the result of great repetition. Changing a belief requires you to repeat the new belief whenever the old one surfaces – and consciously make the choice to let go of the old one.

Emotions and beliefs, play a major part in your health and well-being

Here are some common examples:

Love: At the beginning of a relationship, he is “prince charming” and you are romantic butterfly, sadly, enough at the end we change what was once love into anger, frustration, judgments and sometimes-even hatred!

Finances: If you think, you need more money to be happy, no matter how much money you have; chances are it will never be enough.

Losing Weight:   If you will be happy when you lose some weight or have more muscle mass, you are giving away your opportunity to be happy right now. Your best bet is to be happy about what you do have and then take actions consistent with your weight.

You will relax your thoughts and start changing your beliefs with MEDITATION.  With a great clutter in your mind there is no way to change beliefs.

Lighten up and use meditation to:

  • Say “yes” to what you really want.
  • Enjoy each day and moment at the time; do not try to solve now, the unfolding issues for the rest of this year.
  • Let go your “ancestors-religion” beliefs, to heal your mind
  • Find ways to relax your mind anywhere and anytime
  • Connect with you spirit and your inner wisdom
  • Let go of stress and frustration
  • Tap into your creativity
  • Metaphysical Healing travels in your own thoughts

You are only as happy as you make up your mind to be.  Embrace the change and allow happiness to join you, because HAPPINESS is a choice.

Bea Kobran

Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in Palm Beach, FL

561 252 3707 –

Life-coach, Master Tarot Teacher, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor










