Healing Love Beliefs

healing love beliefs

healing love beliefs


Love dreamers fall in love with the “person of their dreams” all the time.  Such a “person of their dreams” rarely exists.  What happens is that love dreamers project their fantasies, hopes and aspirations for happiness, financial comfort onto someone and see what they want to see.  They live in a denial of reality and is imaginary.

As a Psychic Healer I’m listening quite often fairy tales of romantic LOVE that needs to be put into perspective.  In our culture there are too many love songs, poetry, movies , stories of the prince saving the princess and they live happily ever after, and other triggers conducting to a fantasy about feelings and emotions.

In the mist of such fantasies, men are the “machos,” the heroes, the knights in shining armor.  They are supposed to give identity and self-worth to a woman…?

Many men are unable to be linked to the same woman and regularly need to be forgiven for cheating; they are linked or committed to their jobs first.

Throughout centuries and various cultures, parents and relatives ask their daughter “when are you getting married?  You’re not getting any younger.”  Sons don’t experience the same level of inquiry.  Jokes are made about spinsters who live with cats.

This all has resulted in many women feeling “unvalued” when they are not married.  I have several women clients who are very smart, capable in the work world, great personalities and the breadwinner.  Yet, they are looking for the “person of their dreams” to give them happiness, an identity and to support them.  My lady clients are so talented and have an identity-what a waste of talent to give up what they worked so to marry the “person of their dreams” so that they can be supported by their husband.

Love counseling can help you update the old beliefs facing the new times reality.  

Female consciousness requires a painful letting go of long-held beliefs-to feel happiness, contentment and good about themselves. Counseling and Life-coaching I am helping my clients release those fantasies.



Bea Kobran

Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in Palm Beach, FL

561 252 3707 – IntuitiveBea@gmail.com



Life-coach, Master Tarot Teacher, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor