The conscious mind “control freak”, will always try to defend itself. Many times we think that love means control! No, It’s our EGO that struggles to maintain its domination patterns.
This process overrules the HEART, which closes up in despair until there is unity and harmony. Such is the battleground of competing values where we are regularly immersed.
It’s only by communicating with a higher power, through MEDITATION or inner contemplation, that the EGO will “relax” bringing images of comfort and reassurance, whispering guidance to the human heart, mind and body.
The consciousness of human evolution is a matter of the HEART. However, it’s not this way for everyone; many people have deep seated issues involving their EGO, like for instance: anger, guilt, shame, resentment, and more; and are unable to “relax” and surrender to their spiritual path.
If you sense that your HEART is closed right now, you can reopen it by simply asking:” Who is running my life, my EGO or my HEART?” If the answer is your EGO find the motivations and recycle them. EGO detachment is a must practice.
If you believe in nothing else, just believe in LOVE. This magical procedure will open your HEART chakra. Immediately after, your inner spirit will call you to a richer and more meaningful life, and it will be everything you ever dreamed for and hoped for.
Keeping your HEART open is a lifelong surrender to the loving higher self and self-healing. Opening your chakras is the most effective entry to meditation, ascension and higher dimension. This is the quantum state of consciousness.
This inner reconciliation creates peace, compassion and spiritual light that touch people sending frequencies of LOVE through the cosmos.
Welcome to the new journey with LOVE.
Bea Kobran
Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in Palm Beach, FL
561 252 3707 –
Life-coach, Master Tarot Teacher, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor