Beyond Five Senses – part 1 

Long time ago, the healers believed beyond our five senses. Yet, scientists dismiss them today?  

During the last two millenniums, humankind has been indoctrinated to experience reality and acquire tangible information through the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch; through them we experience: joy, pain, sadness, hunger and so on. 

Thoughts were not considered to be good unless they obeyed religious doctrines of church or religion. Amen!

Increasingly, diverse ways of “knowing” and “being” have emerged, including: meditation, hypnosis, visionary trance and channeling, without any religious advice. 

This practice was done in remote areas and old wisdom cultures for thousands of years such as the Shamans in South America, North American Indians, tribal African rituals, the Hindu practice of Zen, and Brazilian Afro-Spirit-as, and more.

The shamans entered altered states of consciousness when spirits needed to be contacted, to perform a “spiritual healing” when the illness came from the spiritual dimension. 

Emotional and Spiritual Energy Healing, Improved Health and Well-Being

 We may have to rethink…about health & life quality… giving more emphasis on our thoughts and less on the five senses. 

Healing Thoughts belongs to the spiritual dimension of consciousness; those who constrain themselves to the material- physiological reality can never aspire to understand the ultimate nature and meaning of the universe.

                                                 Bea Kobran


Bea Kobran

Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in Palm Beach, FL

561 252 3707 –

Life-coach, Master Tarot Teacher, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor