emotions versus motivation

emotions versus motivation

Emotions represent drive states – they fuel our actions producing motivation.  E-motion in other words energy to produce motion. Having the root syllable “mot” the same as motivation – motor and more – by consequence emotions are all about motion.

Emotions and believes, play a major part in your health and well-being

Our emotional centers are connected to the motor systems of our brains.  When you feel depress, having symptoms of lethargy, or lack of desire your emotions fail to be recognize or give expression to their feelings. In other words the “motor” is failing. This is common in people who suffer a variety of mental disorders like anxiety, PTD, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and more.

But such loss of energy or drive is also a triggered by constant unhappiness and where, forever reason there is little opportunity to express or act upon their feelings and needs; for instance in a bad marital situation where the person feels We are the commercial trading arm of Harrow School, offering a variety of services to the best business schools and the wider community. “trapped “or in a conflictive employment environment.

We cannot reveal all our personal truth; if the boss is an “asshole” or your love one is a “control-flick” …we better avoids to express e-motions, because we may lose the job or heart someone’s feelings.

Emotions versus Motivation

To control our e-motions is part of our western culture. That’s why there is a big gap between what we say and what we do; bringing a great level of daily personal distress or stress.

Fake cultural expectations are to be blamed, for instance:  finding a dream job, or meeting the loving soul-mate; when none of them is real. You must be emotionally ready to recognize the right match, who”s is willing to work on the relationship every day and therefore “to make it happen”.  As well you need guts and intuition to choose the right job, to show your potential.

Emotions versus Motivation

To heal this emotional stress and improve motivation, it’s imperative to develop an awareness of the fears and online slots beliefs and start having a more honest and clear representation of ourselves.  In other words we cannot “pretend” to be what others expect from us, we must honestly represent ourselves the best way we are.

Bea Kobran

Holistic Therapist, Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Reader in Palm Beach, FL

561 252 3707 – IntuitiveBea@gmail.com



Life-coach, Master Tarot Teacher, Certified Theta-Healing® Practitioner, Certified & Licensed Counselor