About me – Bea Kobran
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Since I was a child I saw reality in a different ways. Today I know that my mind lives in two different dimensional spaces; the regular one where nature, humans and all alive and non-alive matter resides and another one – inhabited by spirits, angels and other intangible unseen entities. My Dad used to say: “you are always in the air” and he was right.
I believe people should follow their dreams. My dream since I was a child was to help others, but I neither knew exactly how I should go about it, nor anticipated that one day I will help others to relax their minds. I was confused whether it should be psychology, sociology, etc. Pooled by life in very different directions I didn’t have the chance to achieve a high degree in a specific academic area. The last 15 years were, perhaps, the happiest in my life because I was able to finally go after my dream; I found the purpose of my life. I came to learn different healing modalities and that enabled me today to help many people.
Don’t get me wrong. It took me a lifetime of learning, to master the science and art of psychic visions and spiritual healing. For years, I researched and study the ancient teachings of several spiritual traditions: Buddhism, Judeo-Christian sacraments, Hinduism Chakras, Shintoism, Taoism and Kabbalah (Tree of life). However, I am not puzzled with the “why” these methods work, but rather concerned with “how” to perform them effectively so that I can help people.Knowledge usually comes to me in a nonlinear way. For example, I took a few lessons in Astrology and I learned quite a bit from this class. Yet, it’s hard for me to pinpoint what exactly was it? When I look at the astrological chart it speaks to me, I have visions, I see things and pictures. It’s like the blueprint of a person’s life. These types of tools are absolutely metaphysical!